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Don't be a hack - Support Save The Music America!The fight to end Music piracy starts with you. Make a commitment to protect and preserve the future of America’s music by supporting the foundation’s message.

I Take The Pledge supporting the STMA message to “Please Download and Share Music responsibly” I will do my part to help put an end to Music Piracy by encouraging others to legally download all music and media, I will support the cause to help preserve future generations of music.

Your involvement will help the foundation’s message to reach throughout America and become a national catch phrase. This campaign has the potential to reshape hearts and minds and create positive change in our nation’s youth.  By lending your voice and talent in support of this message you will help create a counter cultural movement forever changing the future of music.

Save The Music America INC - a 501(c)3 Foundation


Your support and participation will make the distribution of the PSA messages possible and benefit STMA awareness campaigns and educational tools. 

Share the Message - please post these links to your favorite social networks.                                                                                                                                               

About Save The Music America: STMA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. The STMA mission is designed to capture the hearts and minds of America’s music fans.  The goal is to produce future generations with a conscience, preserving the arts and the constitutional rights of people within the creative industries. Whereas most corporations are dealing with the legal and regulatory side of the issue, STMA is seeking to deal with the social conscious side through its five-step approach of:  Awareness, Education, Prevention, Preservation, and Internet Safety.